Unité 19 | Ressource Vidéo

Unité 19 | Vidéo

Drug War: New England Coast Guard crews in the Pacific

A journalist spent 10 days aboard a U.S. Coast Guard ship in the Pacific Ocean to report this story on how New England crews are being used to combat drug smuggling.

Questions :

Watch the video from 02:06 to 05:06.

1.    Find information on drug trafficking sea routes, both past and present.
2.    Demonstrate how policing the seas for drug traffickers is a risky mission for the Coast Guard.
3.    Explain what a Coast Guard mission involves.
4.    You work in Communications for the Ministry of Defense. Design a promotional leaflet (visuals and text) for the US Coast Guard.

Crédits :

Deep Sea Drug War: New England Coast Guard crews in the Pacific, Boston 25 News, Jan. 22nd 2020

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