Unité 13 | Ressource Audio

Unité 13 | Audio

Filmmakers Call Out PBS For A Lack Of Diversity

A recording dealing with lack of diversity among PBS filmmakers.

Questions :

Listen to the recording up to 2:19.

1.    Use the headline to present the news.
2.    Show how the example given by Grace Lee illustrates the issue. 
3.    Explain PBS’s response and react to it.
4.    Write down Paula Kerger’s answer to the letter. She expresses her wish to take into account what has been demanded.

Crédits :

© 2021 National Public Radio, Inc. Excerpt from news report titled “FilmmakersCall Out PBS For A Lack Of Diversity, Over-Reliance On Ken Burns” was originally broadcast on NPR’s Morning Edition on March 31, 2021, and are used with the permission of NPR. Any unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited.

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