Unité 18 | Ressource Vidéo

Unité 18 | Vidéo

Minneapolis Mayor Reacts To Derek Chauvin’s Guilty Verdict

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey speaks about the guilty verdicts for Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd. He talks about reform that he says needs to happen in policing and what the verdicts mean for his city (April 21st, 2021).

Questions :

1. Watch the video up to 3:04. Recap the burning issue and explain the context of this interview.
2. Comment on the expression “400 years of injustice” and mention what is expected to be done about it.
3. Sum up Mayor Frey’s statement about the effect this verdict may have.
4. Write a tweet to react to the verdict. 

Crédits :

Minneapolis Mayor Reacts To Derek Chauvin’s Guilty Verdict, TODAY, April 21st, 2121

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