Unité 3 | Ressource Image

Unité 3 | Image

Questioning the evolution of AI

Two cartoons depicting the possible evolution of AI

Questions :

Student A on doc 2
1)    Present the document and describe it (people, objects, situation, …)
2)    Explain the dilemma mentioned in the caption and comment on the characters’ puzzled attitude and what it reveals. 
Student B on doc 3 
1)    Explain in your own words what is positive and negative about AI. 
2)    Give some ideas to counter the negative aspects of AI.

3)    Students A + B : Share your findings and think of examples to illustrate the risks, challenges and benefits of AI. 
4)    Use both documents to create an infographic about our future with AI and robots. 

Crédits :

Cartoon 1
Cartoon 2

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