Unité 5 | Ressource Vidéo

Unité 5 | Vidéo

Why the 2022 midterms are so important

ABC News Political Director Rick Klein explains midterm elections and how they will affect the 2024 presidential election.

Questions :

1. Watch the video and say when the midterms election takes place and how the seats are regularly spaced in a two-year cycle.
2. Say what this election indicates about the country’s mood.
3. Explain why midterms differ from a presidential election.
4. Show why it is important for Biden to win this election and why the Republicans want to win back the Senate. 
5. Say why it is important to have a strong majority in both houses when it comes to replacing a judge or a justice. 
6. Record a one-minute podcast to explain what is at stake in the next midterm elections.

Crédits :

ABC news

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