Unité 12 | Ressource Vidéo

Unité 12 | Vidéo

A major turning point for Barbados

Barbados’s First Act as a Republic is to Honor Rihanna 

Attention cette vidéo ne peut être lue que sur Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXJA4mjKN7g

Questions :

Attention cette vidéo ne peut être lue que sur Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXJA4mjKN7g


1.    Study the still (characters, place…), read the title and explain the link between the two. 

2.    Say what the following dates and figures correspond to and use these elements to retrace Barbados’s history.
400 – 1600s – 4,000 – 1834 – last Monday 

3.    Spot the consequences of colonisation of Barbados and other Caribbean countries that endured it.

4.    Analyse the governance in Barbados before 2021 and its consequences on its inhabitants.

5.    What’s the purpose and consequences of Rhianna nomination?

6.    After watching the report, you decide to post a short message on Rhianna’s website that includes thoughts on identity and independence. 

Crédits :

 Need To Know - MTV Impact

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